
Christopher Anderson

      Christopher Anderson has photographed some of the most unique phots I have seen through researching these blogs. There are several common themes that are displayed through his work that really stood out to me in a pronounced way. The biggest theme that I came across is that all of his images are close up and simplistic. They focus on a certain aspect of the individual or object that adds a different perspective and light to the picture. Another theme that I had noticed was the idea that the individuals that were being photographed were all of the same race. This is something that may mean something for the rise of Asian hate that has been touched on within society lately.      One of the most interesting pictures that I noticed is a woman looking down, this woman happens to be Asian and I think that this can be correlated with the idea that I proposed before. Asian hate. I think that this is something that is strongly portrayed within this picture. When you look more into the pic

Ernst Haas

       Ernst Haas has a very unique way of photographing objects and people, he creates a different vibe and such an in depth meaning to the things he is taking pictures of. There are several different themes that are portrayed within his lighting that are shown through his post production as well as lighting. As the audience you can tell that he does these photographs with an intention and a deep meaning, they are not careless pictures that are just being taken.      The exhibition that caught my eye first was titled "A trillion sunsets", there are so many images that are put into one image but they all have a common theme. The images that are put together all make sense when they are paired together and they all add to one another in a positive way; this is done in order to convey the message that Haas is trying to portray. The one photo that stuck out to me the most is the one that is shown below. I think that we have a huge issue within society where woman's bodies ar

Jerry Uelsmann

 The image that is portrayed below is my favorite of all the images that Jerry has captured and created because to me it has the most meaning. To me this portrays that even though we are such a small part of this earth we can make such a huge difference and that we are not as small and irrelevant as we think we are. It also shows how when something happens we are one person on this whole earth, the ripples portray how effected we are by this event. I think that the black and white really adds to the image and allows the audience to focus on the objects and not so much of the colors that take away from the symbolism.      Another image that really caught my attention is the image where there is a black whole and a ladder coming out of it. I think that this also symbolizes a lot, there is always some way out of the bad situation that you are in. There can be a different interpretation by every individual which adds to the uniqueness of his photographs. I really like the lighting and post

Judy Dater

      The images that are photographed by Judy Dater are compelling and are images that really strike my eye. The lighting in which she uses allow me as the audience to understand what she is trying to portray and get across, the shadows are always prevalent in a beautiful way. My favorite images that were captured bu Judy were the ones titled of Woman. They show woman in a natural setting but allow them to be themselves, to the point that I can learn so much about these beautiful woman just through these pictures. Their eyes tell a story, their gestures and their clothing and expressions.      The images where the models express their naked bodies is a huge movement. It supports the idea that these parts of our body should not be sexualized; they are natural. It normalizes pregnancy, breastfeeding, and other parts that we consider to be sexual and private. These are body parts that are beautiful and should be shown if you are comfortable. This allows the audience to take a step back f

Adam Ferguson

      There was a central theme that was concluded from the images photographed by Adam Ferguson. Most of them were very dark images that could be perceived in a numerous number of ways because of the dark background that was used and his choice of light. The light is often focused on the individual to make them the center of attention. Another theme that I see is that I would describe the images faces as having a soft glow to them. You can tell they are what is focused on because of the light but its on a very soft and subtle way adding a simplistic look to the most of his pictures.      2 of the pictures that really stood out to me were the ones of niki manaj. I think that they stuck out for a number of reasons; the first being that I know who she is as an artist and I like her music. The other reason that this stuck out to me was for the definition on the features on her face. It was done in such a subtle way but you can see all the shadows and features on her face but in a beautifu

Irving Penn

       Irving Penn is known and is famous for a number of his still life images and for many valid reasons. He sees objects that seem so simple and puts them into a different perspective for his audience. I never knew that simple things like a piece of wood or a glass could convey so much meaning and different ideas. I see the common theme that he often adds a very vintage look to many of his images and I think that this adds much texture and allows your eyes to be drawn to things that don't necessarily stick out. I also think another theme that many of his images have is that they are often messy images that are suppose to look like "candids", but they look so put together at the same time.     There seems to be many images of different types of flowers with many different types of colors. I think that these draw my attention because of the wide variety of different perspectives he gives to these images. The thing that seems so interesting is the post production of these

Lee Friedlander
