Ernst Haas

     Ernst Haas has a very unique way of photographing objects and people, he creates a different vibe and such an in depth meaning to the things he is taking pictures of. There are several different themes that are portrayed within his lighting that are shown through his post production as well as lighting. As the audience you can tell that he does these photographs with an intention and a deep meaning, they are not careless pictures that are just being taken. 

    The exhibition that caught my eye first was titled "A trillion sunsets", there are so many images that are put into one image but they all have a common theme. The images that are put together all make sense when they are paired together and they all add to one another in a positive way; this is done in order to convey the message that Haas is trying to portray. The one photo that stuck out to me the most is the one that is shown below. I think that we have a huge issue within society where woman's bodies are sexualized to such a high level; this effects mental health of woman, rape and many other things. This photo does such a great job in showing the beautifulness and pureness of a woman's body and not in a sexual way. They are body parts, parts that allow us to reproduce which is a natural process. 

    Another exhibition that really stuck out to me was the one titled "actual size". I think that this whole exhibition as a whole is so simplistic, which makes it beautiful and adds to the takeaway of the photo. A lot of these photos contain random objects and lines that create a sense of peace and ease to look at. This is something that is done in a different way because it seems to me there is very little post production done because the images seem so raw.

    Overall, I think that Haas has great intentions with his photographs and that his photos convey so much meaning in a way that I have not seen in other photographers. He takes a different outlook that is risky, there is a thin line where things can become too much when adding this many images into one photo but the way Haas does it makes it seem so simplistic. 


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