Adam Ferguson

     There was a central theme that was concluded from the images photographed by Adam Ferguson. Most of them were very dark images that could be perceived in a numerous number of ways because of the dark background that was used and his choice of light. The light is often focused on the individual to make them the center of attention. Another theme that I see is that I would describe the images faces as having a soft glow to them. You can tell they are what is focused on because of the light but its on a very soft and subtle way adding a simplistic look to the most of his pictures. 

    2 of the pictures that really stood out to me were the ones of niki manaj. I think that they stuck out for a number of reasons; the first being that I know who she is as an artist and I like her music. The other reason that this stuck out to me was for the definition on the features on her face. It was done in such a subtle way but you can see all the shadows and features on her face but in a beautiful way. Her skin is truly glowing and makes her look like an angel in the most simplistic way possible.

    Another portrait that really stuck out to me was the one where the woman was sitting on the diving board. I think that has a lot of symbolism because  it can be interpreted is so many ways. The first thing that crossed my mind was the idea of the social issues that she faces as a black woman, you can tell she is in deep thought and is hanging off the board with her feet in the water. What is she thinking about, each individual has a different perception but they don't look like positive thoughts. I think that the lighting adds to the idea of negative thoughts, she looks tired and drained. 

    The last set of pictures that stood out to me and had a commons theme were the ones in different countries. It shows a sense of reality for me and other privileged Americans'. It shows their culture but also the harsh reality that they go through. From these pictures you learn so much and can infer so much because of the environment in which they are in, and the clothes that they are wearing. I think the Ferguson tries to put a positive light on these pictures because of the natural light and post production that he used for these images. 


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