Judy Dater

     The images that are photographed by Judy Dater are compelling and are images that really strike my eye. The lighting in which she uses allow me as the audience to understand what she is trying to portray and get across, the shadows are always prevalent in a beautiful way. My favorite images that were captured bu Judy were the ones titled of Woman. They show woman in a natural setting but allow them to be themselves, to the point that I can learn so much about these beautiful woman just through these pictures. Their eyes tell a story, their gestures and their clothing and expressions. 

    The images where the models express their naked bodies is a huge movement. It supports the idea that these parts of our body should not be sexualized; they are natural. It normalizes pregnancy, breastfeeding, and other parts that we consider to be sexual and private. These are body parts that are beautiful and should be shown if you are comfortable. This allows the audience to take a step back from societal norms and look at the body as just a body, without all the labels are placed on us as humans. 

The photographs with the title Californians are something that are very interesting and are in black and white while very close to the models. This allows the audience to see all the natural and beautiful features of the model without too much postproduction. This again shows the natural beauty of these individuals. These images are almost like candid where it doesn't look like the models are always posing for the picture and it makes it look more natural. 

I think that almost all of these images have several central and common themes that are displayed throughout Judy's work. I think that she tries to find the natural beauty in people through up-close pictures in a natural environment. Her pictures are very moving and show different genders, races, and ethnicities in a wonderful way; sometimes in black and white and a few in color. 


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