Jerry Uelsmann

 The image that is portrayed below is my favorite of all the images that Jerry has captured and created because to me it has the most meaning. To me this portrays that even though we are such a small part of this earth we can make such a huge difference and that we are not as small and irrelevant as we think we are. It also shows how when something happens we are one person on this whole earth, the ripples portray how effected we are by this event. I think that the black and white really adds to the image and allows the audience to focus on the objects and not so much of the colors that take away from the symbolism. 

    Another image that really caught my attention is the image where there is a black whole and a ladder coming out of it. I think that this also symbolizes a lot, there is always some way out of the bad situation that you are in. There can be a different interpretation by every individual which adds to the uniqueness of his photographs. I really like the lighting and post production that was used in this image because again it adds to be meaning and makes it more mysterious and more of a serous image. 

    Something else that really caught my eye was the image that there was an eye in the toilet. I think that this is something really cool and that I would have never thought to do for a number of reasons. There is no correlation between these two objects and I do not quite get the meaning of this but it sure caught my eye. Again, I think the black and white added to this photo because I can assume that there was a lack of color from the pre edited photo.

    Overall, there were many central and common themes that were portrayed throughout this work and these photos. The main ones that stuck out was that each image told a story in a mysterious way that can be interpreted in a number of different ways because of the vagueness of the images. All the images were also in black and white which adds a lot of meaning and perception.
