Christopher Anderson

     Christopher Anderson has photographed some of the most unique phots I have seen through researching these blogs. There are several common themes that are displayed through his work that really stood out to me in a pronounced way. The biggest theme that I came across is that all of his images are close up and simplistic. They focus on a certain aspect of the individual or object that adds a different perspective and light to the picture. Another theme that I had noticed was the idea that the individuals that were being photographed were all of the same race. This is something that may mean something for the rise of Asian hate that has been touched on within society lately. 

    One of the most interesting pictures that I noticed is a woman looking down, this woman happens to be Asian and I think that this can be correlated with the idea that I proposed before. Asian hate. I think that this is something that is strongly portrayed within this picture. When you look more into the picture I think that this is something that can be applied. I also think that the makeup that this individual is wearing adds to this idea and the stigma society has. 

    Another picture that really stuck out to me was another picture where the woman looks like she is in pain or distress. Again because of the race or ethnicity I think that this can help the audience look more into the picture. This is a minority individual letting out her fear, her pain, her injustice. Her makeup is done and she looks put together like an active part of society, but the hate that she endures will forever be there. 



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