What Photography Means To Me

    The word photography has a number of different connotation depending on the individual that you ask. The word photography is going to mean something different to someone who is not into art in compassion to someone who considers them a photographer. Photography is a number of things, it means memories, art, a hobby, beauty, and a way to share yourself on social media. 
    As time goes on the technology that we use keeps getting more and more advanced. In the era that we are in today we use this technology in order to photograph the things that mean something to us so that we can keep these images as a memory. The phrase "a picture means a thousand words" is something that can apply this to real life. Memories are something that we never want to forget and mean the world to us as humans, photography helps us never forget these important times. 
    Photography is something that also means a lot to me because  I find it very interesting and is a hobby of mine. In my free time me and my friend often take pictures of one another and go look at sunsets. Because of photography we are able to capture these moments and gives us something to do. More often then not you find a picture that is beautiful and that makes you feel good and boost your confidence.
    The biggest thing that photography appears on is social media. As mentioned in the article on page 15 these images appear all over social media and people are so fascinated on how good they look as well as many other ideas. Many individuals take pictures that portray themselves as living a good life and that they are happy. We as a society need to understand that photography on media is only portraying the positive parts of an individuals life.
    Overall I think that photography has a number of positive as well as negative effects and that it can means a number of different things. To me it means a number of things, it means memories, art, a hobby, beauty, and a way to share yourself on social media. Photography is beauty, and also hateful at the same time. 


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