
Showing posts from January, 2022

Steven McCurry

     Steven McCurry has a multitude of different themes within his work, as well as focuses on a number of different settings and lightings. I think that within any artists there are common ideas and characteristics that we can find in their work. The thing that sticks out the most to me is that he explores a lot of different cultures and shows the reality, as well as showing individuals and catching people within the moment. His art is beautiful for these reasons, you can tell that he likes to catch people in the moment and things don’t look posed. Another similarity that is common within his work is the amount of symbolism.  McCurry catches the beautiful moments in life. Everyone has issues they are going through but his work portrays how individuals with issues make the best out of the situations that they are in. The little things are what matter. In much of his work the individuals do not have the most money but when presented with something small, it means the world to them. I

What Photography Means To Me

    The word photography has a number of different connotation depending on the individual that you ask. The word photography is going to mean something different to someone who is not into art in compassion to someone who considers them a photographer. Photography is a number of things, it means memories, art, a hobby, beauty, and a way to share yourself on social media.      As time goes on the technology that we use keeps getting more and more advanced. In the era that we are in today we use this technology in order to photograph the things that mean something to us so that we can keep these images as a memory. The phrase "a picture means a thousand words" is something that can apply this to real life. Memories are something that we never want to forget and mean the world to us as humans, photography helps us never forget these important times.      Photography is something that also means a lot to me because  I find it very interesting and is a hobby of mine. In my free t